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xhuaj 2012-02-27 11:05



Sinker 2012-02-27 17:34

xhuaj 2012-02-28 12:01
NACE(National Association and Corrosion Engineer ),美国防腐蚀工程师学会
NACE成立于1943年,当时的创始人是11为管道行业的防腐工程师。现在,MACE是世界上最大的传播腐蚀知识的组织,其职责是提高公众对腐蚀控制和预防技术的认识,NACE现有300个技术协调委员会,主要工作包括调查,研究和介绍腐蚀技术的发展动态,设置共同的行业标准,为美国,加拿大和其他许多国家的会员和非会员提供各种各样的培训项目等。 NACE实施会员制,会员可以享受一些培训课程和出版物的费用折扣;NACE每年召开一次年会,是世界上专业人员了解新产品,获得技术信息,与腐蚀专家建立联系的平台,NACE标准覆盖了腐蚀防控的各个领域,包括方法,设计和材料选择等研究热点。NACE标准是技术委员会为腐蚀预防和控制领域设定的非强制性指南。 NACE为地下管线提供腐蚀判定,并为相关产品提供材料认证。NACE还为技术人员提供专业资格认证,如涂料专业服务工程师的认证。 NACE会务组每年都会在中国北京、上海开设培训班,前来参见培训的人员,完成学业要求并考试合格后讲获得NACE国际颁发的涂装检查员资格证书,分为NACE CIP-1,2,3个等级。
FROSIO是挪威语,英文意思为The Norwegian professional council for education and certification of inspectors and surface treatment.意思是挪威表面处理检验员教育和认证专业委员会。
   FROSIO培训是依据挪威标准NS 476:涂装检查人员的核准规则。此标准对涂装检查人员的专业资格做出了规定,并应确保在金属材料的表面处理之前、当中及之后,按照标准进行检验。依据此标准对涂装顾问进行考核,成为依据ISO 9000系列建立质保体系的组成部分。

xhuaj 2012-02-28 12:01

xxm1979 2012-03-01 15:33

九霄δ菱雲δ 2012-04-11 20:22

dukun 2014-12-14 14:11

FROSIO是挪威语,英文意思为The Norwegian  professional council for education and certification of inspectors and surface treatment.意思是挪威表面处理检验员教育和认证专业委员会。

FROSIO培训是依据挪威标准NS 476:涂装检查人员的核准规则。此标准对涂装检查人员的专业资格做出了规定,并应确保在金属材料的表面处理之前、当中及之后,按照标准进行检验。

依据此标准对涂装顾问进行考核,成为依据ISO 9000系列建立质保体系的组成部分。
另一个认证就是美国的NACE(National Association and Corrosion Engineer ),美国的国家腐蚀工程师协会。在此就不多介绍了。
该考试分理论和实际操作两个部分:理论满分150,及格分数100。实际操作满分48,及格分数32。只有两个都过线才能拿到证书,只过了其中一个可以下期补考。考试加培训费用3000 usd左右。考试时间理论和实践各4个小时
当准备参加考试的时候,要准备好材料,有一本书不错是《corrosion protection inspector’s handbook of reference》,这本书在正式培训的时候你会有,因为你花钱了100USD的很贵,我这有,但是扫描太麻烦了。本书封面看图片(handbook) .有了资料后,培训前最好看一遍,对生词进行勾画记忆。对整体有个概念。对于一些概念和名词解释最好做个笔记,对于书中的一些原理图要有一定的理解。在培训期间主要是加深记忆理解,有重点的学习。多写多说加深印象,这是最后的冲刺了。对于计算题大家不要太费神,考试的时候会给你公式的。
我本来有一套韩国人的复习资料40页左右,很好的,简单明了。但是后来给别人了自己没有扫描保存,不能与大家分享确实遗憾。这个培训对我来说意义很大,开拓了视野。与别人讨论,才知道一些问题的理解还不全。学了这些东西有很大的实际意义。比如和施工单位打交道,很多现象你可以为他们解释。而且很多老外对这方面也不是很精通,你如果把FROSIO里的东西哪出来跟他说one ,two ,three, four …so… 他就会另眼相看了。
  以上只是个人的一些经历,在2008新标准实施的时候希望有更多的朋友能够加入FROSIO 或NACE 。如果有兴趣的朋友我们可以一起来讨论。
NS 476 Rules for the approval of surface treatments inspectors
The standard gives rules for the professional qualification of surface treatment inspectors and shall thereby ensure inspection to professional standard prior to, during and subsequent to surface treatment of metallic materials.
The standard establishes two levels of inspectors, requirements shall be met to become qualified and requirements for maintenance of the qualification.
Inspectors approved according to this standard, are intended to be a part of quality assurance systems based on e. g ISO 9001 to 9003
4.1.1 Candidates having completed education and apprenticeship in the following trades; building machine and industrial painting, hot dip galvanizing, thermal spray metallizing, electrolytical coating application, or automobile finishing.
4.1.2 Candidates having college education or equivalent in the fields of mechanical engineering, ship construction, metallurgy, chemistry, chemical engineering, physics, or civil engineering.
4.1.3 Candidate not having the education mentioned in clauses 4.1.1 or 4.1.2
Experience-Assistant inspector Candidates in accordance with clause 4.1.1 shall have completed their apprenticeship, and shall have at least 5 years experience in their trade inclusive of apprenticeship. Candidates in accordance with clause 4.1.2 shall have at least 2 years relevant experience from the building or operation of ships or offshore platforms, the engineering, building or the paint industry. Candidates in accordance with clause 4.1.3 shall have at least 7 years of relevant experience in one o several of the fields protective coatings, blast cleaning, or the maintenance of ships, buildings ,power stations, bridges, harbour installations, offshore or industrial plants.
Validity, renewal or withdrawal
The approval is valid for 5 years
For renewal 2 years of documented active experience as an inspector in the 5 years period
Withdrawal may occur if the FROSIO board
Receive documented proof of negligence by the inspector
The examination consists of two separate exams.
A theoretical exam-lasting 41/2 hours
A practical exam-lasting 41/2 hours
The maximum score on the theoretical exam is 150 pts. You must have minimum 100 pts. To pass the examination.
The maximum score on the practical exam is 48 pts, you must have minimum 32 pts, to pass the examination.
Inspector for surface treatment
2 years experience as an assistant inspector
Assistant inspector for surface treatment
Examination inspection work (theoretical practical)
80 hours course in inspection or protective coatings
At least 5 years of relevant experience ,see clause comp, apprenticeship
At least 2 years of relevant experience, see education from university of tech schools
At least 7 years of relevant experience, see 4..2.1.3
Responsibilities typical for inspectors
The inspectors shall ascertain that:
Only valid specifications are used an that these are adhered to
Preparation of steel surfaces e.g rounding of sharp edges, grinding of surface defects, removal of weld spatter
Base materials, paints coatings and other consumables (e.g degreasers and thinners) are being used correctly
The specified paints/coatings are being applied to the correct basis material
Equipment for preparation and application is in good operating order
Paints/coatings and other consumables are stored correctly
Responsibilities typical for inspectors
The inspectors shall ascertain that:
Preparation, ambient conditions, coating thickness (wet and dry), time intervals between coats, are checked and the results documented in accordance with requirements
Safety and environmental regulations are adhered to
Operators are qualified in accordance with requirements
Testing or analysis are carried out in accordance with requirements by qualified personnel, and that equipment used is in good order and calibrated
Work, inspection and testing are documented and reported in an acceptable manner
Responsibilities typical for inspectors
Testing/inspections may include:
Non destructive testing e.g film thickness measurements, curing tests, pinhole detection
Visual inspection e.g cleanliness, surface roughness of substrate, coating defects (in accordance with requirements in e.g ISO 4628)
Destructive testing e.g adhesion testing according to requirements in ISO 4624
Other testing e.g contamination of blasted surface or between coats
Responsibilities typical for inspectors
Additionally the inspectors shall:
Plan his work in accordance with the requirements of the specifications and procedures, or refer to standards which, according to agreement, are made applicable as part of the field of inspection
Deal with non-conformances
Produce reports based on documentation of inspection work, tests, non-conformances and corrective actions
Point out and register surfaces which cannot, because of their from and position, be coated in accordance with the specification

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